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How we change life's Programs We Offer

Our programs are focused on healthy living and the overall wellbeing for people of all ages, so they may experience a better tomorrow.

group of people praying


We understand the importance of ministry and faith.

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group of people jogging

Physical Education & Health

High blood pressure, diabetes, and renal failure are a few of the top life-threatening illnesses in the country.

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feeding program


Hunger is one of the major issues being battled in the world today.

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group of people working

More Programs

Want to know more about the programs we offer?

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introducing Caring of All Ages, Inc.

Caring of All Ages, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization based in Texas. We advocate for health and wellness throughout one’s lifespan, focusing on education as well as ones spiritual, physical, and social health. Through our various programs, we prepare one with healthy and positive lifestyle practices that can improve his or her overall well-being, so that many can take a step further into leading a happy and productive life. Join our cause today and help make a change in the community!

volunteer smiling
young boy smiling
kid smiling
kids smiling

Our Commitment

Mission Statement

We aim to promote excellence and build good character by empowering all to become competent, caring, and healthy individuals challenging him or her to achieve their full potential.

About Us

Join To Volunteer

Make a difference in the lives of people in need by becoming a volunteer for our cause.

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Schedule Donation Pick Up

Want to donate some preloved items? Set an appointment for us to pick them up.

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  • feeding
  • group of people smiling indoor
  • female volunteer smiling at the senior woman
  • group of people smiling indoor