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We serve the community to promote a positive change in everyone.

Our Mission

We aim to promote excellence and build good character by empowering all to become competent, caring, and healthy individuals challenging him or her to achieve their full potential.

Our Vision

We strive to bring hope joy to everyone in the community, granting him or her whether infants, toddlers, children, teens, or adults, to live a life full of prosperity.

Who We Are

Caring of All Ages, Inc. believes that education and awareness are keys for everyone to live a successful life. We believe knowledge is power and is the primary reason we offer a variety of programs to address the needs of the community.

Caring of All Ages, Inc will continue to give our time and effort to be an outlet for people to become productive as well as gain new insights on how to live a healthier and positive life, by creating meaningful relationships with the people around them. Caring of All Ages, Inc endeavors to give people a better future, equipping them with the necessary life tools.

Our Future Plans

Caring of All Ages, Inc. would like to start transition programs for children moving out of the Foster Care System. We also plan to develop educational programs, that focus on key subjects including but not limited to, math and science. Caring of All Ages, Inc. will be a gateway for those in need.

Get in Touch

For more information about our programs, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

volunteer smiling
young boy smiling