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We encourage healthy meals for all.

Hunger is one of the major issues being battled in the world today. At Caring of All Ages, Inc. we will do our part in assisting with the ongoing efforts to fight hunger and starvation, especially among children. We will be giving free afterschool snacks for all kids, including kids in low-income areas. We will also assure that every afterschool snack we give to the children will follow USDA standards and guidelines to promote adequate health and wellness. We are passionate about the continuation of free lunch in the summer and winter breaks. Our feeding programs will continue for kids during those times.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers three nutrition assistance programs to help afterschool & summer learning providers serve nutritious meals or snacks to participating children.

  • The At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program through the Child and Adult Care Feeding Programs (CACFP) provides healthy meals to children and teenagers that will suffice their nutritional needs and draws them into purposeful plays and interactive activities that offers life-long learning.
  • The Afterschool Snack Program is a component of the National School Lunch Program or CACFP that aims to fill the afternoon hunger gap among children through the collaboration of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service and local school food authorities (SFAs).
  • The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a state-administered program designed to serve free healthy meals to children and teenagers in underprivileged areas, thus, avoiding malnutrition and hunger during the summer.

Would you like to be a part of our Feeding?
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